Leeds Trinity University hosts first International Law Mooting Competition with Bangladesh-based partner


Leeds Trinity University recently collaborated with one of its academic partners, British American College (BAC) International Ltd in Bangladesh, to stage its first international mooting competition.

A Leeds Trinity student sits in front of a judge during a mooting competition.

Organised by Dr Simon Best, University Teacher in Law at Leeds Trinity, the competition went ahead on Monday 15 May with BAC students dialling into the moot courtroom on the Main campus via video link.  

The competition provided students from Leeds Trinity and BAC with an opportunity to compete in teams against each other, playing the role of legal counsel before the competition’s judge. Each team argued a fictional case as if representing a client with participants analysing a problem, researching the relevant law, preparing submissions and presenting oral argument. 

The aim of the moot is to test and develop the legal knowledge of students, as well as their skills in delivering legal argument and public speaking. The counsel which demonstrated the greater advocacy and legal oral skills in their submissions was declared the winner, as decided by the judge. On this occasion, Leeds Trinity student Miroslav Karcevskij, currently in his first year of the Law with Foundation Year in Legal Issues course, was successful.   

Dr Simon Best said: “The mooting competition is a fantastic opportunity for students at both Leeds Trinity University and BAC to put into practice legal advocacy skills developed as part of their legal studies as well as to simulate the work of real lawyers. Using the power of technology to allow students studying in different countries to come together in this way also simulated a remote hearing. I would like to congratulate the students who took part and thank them for taking on the challenge and investing their time in developing some invaluable skills.”  

The partnership with BAC aligns with Leeds Trinity’s strategic aim of growing its international links and making those a part of students’ learning. As well as taking on challenges such as the moot, BAC deliver the University’s undergraduate Law programme, allowing Bangladeshi students to obtain an English law degree.  

Dr Katie Lupton, Lead for Academic International Partnerships, said: “The Mooting competition represents an excellent opportunity to expose students to diverse cultures and interact with students around the world. I am hopeful that the competition was a first step in developing future collaborative opportunities and will contribute to internationalising the curriculum and developing global citizens.”  

Esrat Jahan, Programme Leader and Lecturer in Law at BAC, said: ''The mooting competition was an exceptional experience for the students of BAC. This has enabled our students to explore their potentiality as future leaders in the legal sector. BAC students appreciate this opportunity since this has strengthened their connection with the UK legal framework. From the organisational and the students’ intellectual enhancement’s perspective, we hope and are looking forward to these types of events being held more frequently to get the maximum level of knowledge exchange from the academic collaboration between BAC and Leeds Trinity University.''  

For more information on the undergraduate law courses available at Leeds Trinity, visit the website. 

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