TV Series Researcher
Another personal highlight for me was writing two episodes for Welsh soap opera Rownd a Rownd; a soap I’ve loved since I was a kid, so getting to see my words come out of my favourite characters mouths was surreal!
Why I chose to study at Leeds Trinity
Finding a university that had a thriving TV industry was really important to me when choosing which university to attend. When someone mentioned how many TV companies were coming to the north, especially Leeds, it was a no brainer.
What I enjoyed most about the course and my best student memories
Amongst many of the more social memories, attending the annual Journalism & Media Weeks were amazing as they featured interesting sessions by professionals in the industry. My course also allowed me to experiment in different genres of TV; you weren’t stuck into doing just one type of programme. Leeds Trinity also has a TV Studio and Gallery, so you get a really good sense as to how things work before you step out into the real world.
Valuable placements
I tried to do as many placements as I could because I really wanted to graduate with a few credits under my belt. I networked early to accomplish this. My last year placement included a stint in the Emmerdale storyline office as part of a paid role. Getting thrown into a busy environment and becoming part of a team and going to university helped with just being able to get stuck in with a variety of different people.
I left university with new skills and one for sure was teamwork. There is no better place than university to mix with such a variety of different people and the ability to pull together as a team is vital. I’ve also definitely built my confidence up. Being a freelancer during my studies gave me the chance to apply for short-term roles and working on my pitching and public speaking skills at university helped me greatly with job interviews.
My career since graduating
I was lucky to get a job straight after graduating as a Researcher for a national magazine programme with Tinopolis. Despite only being there a few months, I had the opportunity to present an item in studio all about what’s coming up on TV on one of their shows. I also had the chance to speak to a variety of people, from local people who are community heroes, to attending red carpet events!
Another personal highlight for me was writing two episodes for Welsh soap opera Rownd a Rownd; a soap I’ve loved since I was a kid, so getting to see my words come out of my favourite characters mouths was surreal!
My advice for prospective students thinking about studying at Leeds Trinity
Absolutely consider Leeds Trinity to study - the support I had during my time there has been unlike anything else. The tutors want you to succeed and will do their best to help you get there! I’d also recommend applying for short term roles that you can do alongside your studies, it really helps you get a better sense of the industry whilst studying. And enjoy it!